Sandalwood was once viewed as the essential wellspring of Mysore state economy where the whole financial plan was arranged in light of sandalwood.
In spite of the fact that India has been known for its sandalwood creation for a really long time, it was to a great extent bound to the woodlands of South Indian states and the estates of these state legislatures. However, a strategy change by these states in 2002 permitted individuals to develop sandalwood. The Karnataka State Timberland Division has changed the guidelines connected with sandalwood development to guarantee that there is no lack of sandalwood in the approaching future. According to the proposed revision to the Karnataka Tree Act 1927, the woods office permits people to uninhibitedly develop and possess sandalwood trees.
Consent is given to cut a sandalwood tree in confidential proprietorship after exhaustive examination by the authorities. The felled tree is moved to the sandalwood terminal and is sold subsequent to finishing essential conventions. What's more, presently, the confidential development of this valuable tree is quickly expanding.